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Meet the Co - Founders

Sue Snow
Sue Snow B.A./B.Ed; CCDC
Co-Founder & Counsellor

Sue Snow is a highly regarded educator, counsellor and coach with a B.A/B.Ed, Registered Professional Counsellor (RPC), Master Practitioner in Clinical Counselling (MPCC),

a Certified Addiction Counsellor, Brain Story Certification, Compassionate Inquiry Counsellor. and Heart Math Facilitator. Sue is a registered member  of Association of Counseling Therapists Alberta and Canadian Professional Counselors Association (CPCA).  She is trained and initiated into the Bwiti Missoko Tradition by Moughenda Mikala. She has incorporated her love of curiosity, teaching, counselling and neuro-rehabilitative studies along with her empathetic passion for self-growth and personal development to co-create the  services and programs at the Centre For Wholeness & Well Being.


Through her own transformational and spiritual work, guided by integrative healing, Sue has healed  from the traumatizing experience of psychiatric treatment including ECT (electro-convulsive shock therapy), harmful psychoactive drugs and invalidative therapy techniques. She is dedicated to advocating and providing alternatives to psychiatric diagnoses and treatments, including standard medical care that does not require a stigmatizing and psychiatric label or mind-altering drugs and treatments.


Most significantly she has experienced, knows and understands the addiction struggle of loved ones. Addiction is hard. Recovery rarely follows a neat or comfortable path. Being the family member and mom of humans in recovery, she has experienced the realities we never expected our families to face, and she knows how to support others through experiences that can only be feared or imagined by others. 

She brings gifts as an educator, leader, an igniter of sparks and an active listener for those who feel they are a sail without the wind. She has extensive experience in the fields of education, case management, addiction recovery coaching and counseling. She has, since childhood, fulfilled her curiosity by both giving and attending personal and spiritual seminars, retreats and workshops. It has been during these life experiences and seminars that she discovered the powerful impact that changing our thoughts, beliefs and responses to life creates actual, permanent changes to our minds and heart, and inevitably to our world around us. 

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Ryan Snow
Co-Founder, Counsellor  &  Recovery Coach
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Ryan Snow, Accredited Addiction Coach, Certified Psychedelic Integration Coach,

NCCP Level III, has dedicated his life to helping people become a better version of themselves. Helping athletes achieve their best performance or guiding individuals to the truth of living with pride, Ryan meets each client in their life's moment to compassionately guide them to their possibility.


Ryan’s search for transformational change came from his personal life experience. He comes from a background of high-performance athletics. He was a member of the Canadian Freestyle Ski Team, competing on the World Cup stage for 10 years. After his retirement as a competitive athlete, Ryan transitioned to coaching High Performance athletes. He has coached athletes for Canada, Australia, USA (2010 Olympic Games) and finally Brazil (2014 Olympic Games). Tragedy stuck when one of his athletes had a life altering accident weeks before the Sochi Olympics. Feeling alone and blaming himself for the accident Ryan spiraled into depression and addiction. Lost in months of self-destructive behavior, he sought relief from his daily torment he lived with every day. Ryan's search for self-improvement began with meditation, yoga, family support and ultimately he learned to love himself guided by the plant healer, Iboga. His lasting recovery came as he learned Bwiti teachings and his Initiation into the Missoko Bwiti people guided by his teacher Moughenda Mikala. 


Ryan’s experience touched him so deeply it moved his life to a different level. His experience marked a turning point from addiction to an enduring passion to support the personal transformation of others. His experience as an Olympic level coach blends with the heart centered approach he learned on his own personal journey, to balance. Ryan is non-judgmental and meets each person as unique and capable. Ryan’s core belief is that with proper support and planning everyone can transform their life into one of freedom and joy.


Ryan uses various tools that utilize a holistic approach to promote personal healing of the mind, body and soul. Ryan is a professionally trained, experienced and accredited Associate Addiction Coach, Being True to You Transformational Recovery Coach, Cerified Psychedelic Integration Coach, Reiki Master and Ra Sheeba Master. He holds the energy of the earth traditions honoring Pacha Mama. Ryan is a full initiate of the Bwiti Missoko Tradition and this connection and knowledge assists him as he supports others in ceremony and integration.


Ryan has found a connection of self through spirit and honors the transformative energy of the human experience.


Ryan can help you discover a renewed sense of self and in order to create a life you might only have imagined—filled with vitality and enthusiasm. Ryan can show you that addiction recovery is possible.

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